Bedford ParkResidents' Association
Home > About Bedford Park > Photo Gallery


Gallery - Street Parties

Welcome to our gallery of photos from this Summer's Street Parties in Bedford Park.  Click on the first photo below to scroll through the images.  Just click on the right hand side of any photo and you will move through the Gallery.  We hope you enjoy them!

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Category: Gallery

Gallery - Halloween in Bedford Park

Halloween in Bedford Park is a really special thing!  Inspired by our wonderful American contingent of families, this festival of the ghouls and ghosts has grown and grown over the years. Read the article by Bedford Park's own Karin Salvalaggio about last year's event here or just enjoy the scary photos below!  A big thank you to Rhiannon Lewis, David Wheeldon and Belen Navarro and all the others who sent in photos!


Very Simple Image Gallery:
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Category: Gallery